"Better Tomorrows"
After 3 years of treatment and recovery for Lymphoma, I was more than ready to make significant changes to my lifelong habits concerning food, exercise and stress. Little did I realize how dramatic these changes would be in just 3 short months.
“Yes”, the class is that good! Techniques taught were simple but profound with lots of open discussion. The SHLP embraces learning to treat ourselves in a kind and gentle manner, whether we achieve instant success or not. The greatest impact I experienced was changing my thinking from a perfectionist idealist, the “all or nothing” approach, to adopting the “just a little more” credo that Dr. Phillips taught us all to covet.
This class gave all of the attendees the confidence and materials to set new goals and achieve success now and in the future. It’s an amazing achievement and provides us with a new degree of confidence and gratefulness!- Dori, Group member, SHLP
The Stanford Healthy Lifestyle Program (SHLP) is a highly successful lifestyle change program. It was developed at the Stanford University Prevention Research Center, whose mission is to turn research into practical programs that are able to be conducted in the community. The SHLP is for individuals who wish to make a lifestyle change, including but not exclusively in the areas of weight loss/weight management, increased physical activity, improved nutrition, and stress reduction. The SHLP is based on more than three decades of research in behavioral science conducted by renowned Stanford scientists. Dr. Wayne Phillips, who oversees and facilitates the SHLP, was part of this research group during his tenure as a Post Doctoral Fellow and Research Scientist at the Stanford School of Medicine, Center for Research in Disease Prevention.
The Stanford Healthy Lifestyle Program: Building a Foundation is a group-based approach that focuses on gradual and sustainable lifestyle change. Participants slowly adopt more positive lifestyle habits, that eventually lead to improved health and well-being. As this process continues, they also learn how to develop and maintain strong foundational skills and attitudes that are necessary for successful long-term lifestyle change. These include the ability to-
- Set realistic long, and short-term goals
- Move away from an ‘all or nothing’ mindset
- Be more mindful of their lifestyle behaviors
- Build a support network
- Develop a positive inner voice
All groups are facilitated either by Dr. Phillips or by individuals trained by him. Every faciliator has an extensive background in wellness and the principles of behavioral science.
Before the Session Starts
Prior to joining the Program, participants first complete a 15-minute ‘screening call’ with Dr. Phillips to assess whether the Building a Foundation approach is a good fit for them. They are also asked to take the online Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment (See below) and bring their Summary Report to the first meeting.
The Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment (SHALA)
This is an evidence-based online health and lifestyle assessment designed by the internationally renowned Stanford University Health Promotion Resource Center. Developed around the recommendations of the Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, the SHALA takes a much more positive, practical and useable approach than the typical “Health Risk Appraisal”. Rather than simply identifying risk factors that need to be reduced, SHALA’s easily understandable questionnaire categorizes your health status based on your current lifestyle habits, family history, and easily obtainable biometric values such as blood pressure. The SHALA is a valuable and positive approach for assessing your current lifestyle ‘behaviors’. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and the comprehensive report it produces also provides extensive options for adopting a healthier, more active lifestyle.
Session Components
Building a Foundation is conducted over 12 weekly group meetings, each lasting 1½ hours. These typically begin with an activity that facilitates group bonding and sets the scene for the remainer of the session. The core of each session (starting at Session 2) is the discussion and setting of new lifestyle goals for the upcoming week. Starting at Session 3, participants share with the group their progress for the previous week, what they learned from their goal experience and how they will use this 'learning' to set their new goal for the coming week. This sharing and group discussion drives the process of self-discovery that underlies the continued success of the SHLP.
Who can benefit from the SHLP?
Building a Foundation has been developed for individuals who want to work within the context of a small group to achieve their lifestyle change goals.
If you have been asking yourself questions such as ...“How can I be more active?” “How can I manage my weight?” “How can I improve my diet?” “How can I manage my stress?”
Come and discover your own, unique (and sometimes surprising) answers!
For more information contact Dr. Wayne PhillipsPhone: (661) 26 B WELL
Email: [email protected]